Jungian dream analysis interpretation


Laurie Savlov does dream analysis and interpretation from the approach of archetypal psychology, post-Jungian, and the classical Jungian schools.

Regular appointments for Jungian analysis with Laurie Savlov in Toronto includes working on the psychology of your dreams on levels of the personal and archetypal. 

Dream interpretation following the approach of C.G. Jung allows access to the richness of depth in life. 

Laurie provides instruction on how to remember your dreams and encourages the use of dream journals. He frequently suggests that dream images be amplified by active imagination and art therapy.


Laurie Savlov, M.A., Jungian Analyst, Registered Psychotherapist

416 903 2072 email: laurie@jungian-analysis.net 

NEW: my Durham Region office 905-982-1598

Interested in working with a woman Jungian analyst? Call Helen Brammer-Savlov at 416-903-6107 or email helen_brammer@hotmail.com, website www.jungiananalyst.ca
